Bathroom Exhaust Fan Replacement - Inner West
Bathroom extractor and roof vent install
Lisa's bathroom ceiling was starting to get moldy, paint was flicking down and for some reason just kept falling from the ceiling onto the bathtub and around the bathroom.
The extraction issue?
We removed the old extractor fan to find it was extracting - yes, however, the roof/ceiling was only 100mm from the fins, so what was happening was as the air extracted it was bouncing off the roof tiles and back down, to top it off all the dust was building up and falling down each time Lisa and her family used the fan.
The extraction solution?
To start with we used a far better fan, it had an additional 150 cubic squared extraction p/h - (better fan speed, and extraction), we then installed a cowl kit on the roof, which allows the steam to go somewhere! as a bonus this extractor fan has two flaps that open and close when used, this will prevent dust or draught from coming through.
Installing a cowl kit
Removing one tile, neatly cutting a 150mm hole, we installed the cowl with a top hat. Because the kit comes with flashing, it's fully waterproofed and sealed up.
Job Complete - Bathroom Exhaust Fan Replaced
Lisa was very happy with the result! Her bathroom is now receiving sufficient air flow which reduces the risk of interior moisture damage.
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