Electric Hot Water Repair - Inner West Sydney
Electric hot water problem
Evan, has no luck with hot water units lately, this is the second property he has had his hot water fail! luckily we got him up and running again quickly.
What was the electrical issue with the hot water unit?
Evan was firstly getting VERY hot water for a few days, then was followed by no hot water at all. There was water present so it wasn't a plumbing issue! He called us requiring immediate emergency electrical service to get the hot water back up and running and we did just that.
How did we fix the electrical hot water unit?
After taking off the cover to carry out fault finding for anything obvious, burn marks were brought to our attention on the electrical thermostat or stat as its commonly known. We disconnected the thermostat and removed the prongs leading to the electrical element and tested that the element was okay and not also after breaking down, placing the multimeter on the tank element it proved good. Looks like the stat is the issue...
Electrical thermostat replacement
Labeling the cores and where they went to we disconnected and clipped out the old electrical thermostat, slid in the new and connected. Emergency electrical issue solved!! All worked well again and hot water was back on tap!!
Job Complete - Electric Hot Water Repaired
Evan's hot water problem solved!
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