Heritage Wall Light Install - Inner West
Wall light install
Our clients recently purchased this beautiful apartment and had sentimental wall lights they wanted to install. The lights were so old that we had to rewire them.
It was very difficult to find someone who actually does light rewires, luckily we found a little shop in Newtown. The lights were approximately 70 years old! The cable was thin uninsulated speaker wire, which in this age is NOT SAFE!
Positioning the wall lights
Getting the cables down the wall was interesting, luckily there was an aircon vent in the room which allowed us ceiling access to jump up, however, there were timber noggings down the wall so we had to use an extension drill bit to get down over a meter... without losing the bit down the wall, we had quite a battle with insulation on the way!
We finally got the cables in position and the light earthed and wired in and switched on a wall dimmer.
We will be returning to install LED strips in the wardrobes, LED downlights, and safety switches in the switchboard.
Job Complete - Heritage Wall Lights Installed
Client was really happy how it all turned out. The heritage wall lights look fantastic as it enhances the vibe in their new apartment.
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