Switchboard Upgrade & Relocation - Inner West
Vanessa was made aware of how bad her switchboard's main cables actually were when she wanted to install air conditioning they were hanging on by a thread, check out the photos below...
Switchboard location
We met Vanessa and discussed the job at hand and how we were going to move the switchboard and where the best place was to put it. With limited options, we were left with hiding it behind a softwood tree that would in time shield from passers by.
Running cables
Access was really good in her roof space so we were able to crawl into the areas to run the cables neatly out of harm's way. Where the new meter box was being relocated to was a double brick wall with a cavity - perfect. Once we penetrated the wall we were able to fish the cables for the sub circuits (your lights, power, oven circuits, etc) and new mains down the cavity.
New meter box layout preparation
When we get these meter boxes they come as a shell, we then add all the internals including the fuse', links, the switchboard, and all the earthing.
Earthing and water bond
A new earth electrode was placed under the meter box and we attached a new earth to the water piping to earth the copper.
Cable transplant
New cables were run from the old switchboard to the location of the new one in the roof space. Once the Level 2 electrician had connected the point of attachment mains we then removed all the old switchboard and metering and joined the cables up top.
Meter box power up and testing
Job complete, the new cables all concealed and relocated to the new location. The switchboard and safety switches is now up to the new wiring rules (As3000:2018) and Vanessa's home is a safer place.
Job Complete - Switchboard upgraded and relocated
Vanessa was very happy that her switchboard is up to date and safely relocated.
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