Home Electrical Upgrades - Drummoyne
Alex has just purchased this home, like most older inner west homes it needed a little electrical TLC, we added power point and exchanged lights to spruce the place up.
Some of the electric work we undertook were:
Switchboard upgrade, additional power points, and light installs & replacement.
Switchboard upgrade and new earthing
The switchboard seen better days, there weren't many circuits as the house shared most of the energy with the gas supply. Normally we find the oven, cooktop and hot water can be electric, however not in this case.
Below the switchboard before and after, we installed individual RCBOs, commonly known as safety switches on each circuit giving them full protection against electric shock - an essential part of every home.
The earthing system was shocking (pardon the pun!), when we went out for a site visit we investigated the switchboard and earthing system - to our horror, it was not even attached to the water pipe, and there was no main earth electrode, meaning there was no earth present! Before leaving the site on quoting we fixed this up!! We also installed a new main earth electrode and cabling back to the switchboard.
Light fitting install
Inside we replaced two light fittings, one had some water in the past and due to the lack of safety switches the connection just sizzled away and burnt out the fitting! The other fitting was a pendant light install in the master bedroom to a funky fitting.
Externally we installed a coach style light fitting, this was meant to be more subtle by running the cables up the cavity but we ran into a bit of trouble, the wall was brick to brick with no cavity so we had to use a bit of surface conduit - they plan on painting it black down the line. This light will be great as a security light or when you need to find those keys!
Additional power point installs
Alex and Mark like many other inner west homeowners quickly realised the lack of power points installed in the home after moving in! We drilled out the skirting boards and fished new cables about under the house to add these black power points in.
Job Complete - Switchboard upgraded, power points and light installed
Alex & Mark, we're really happy how it all turned out, their new home is now taking shape and suited to their needs!
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