Wall Mount Samsung Smart TV Install - Marrickville
Smart TV Wall Mounting
To Marrickville for electrical work in Sydney's inner west for another wall mount TV install. In my opinion, this transformed the apartment. The artwork and layout were already fantastic, but this opened the space.
The aim was to install the centre of the wall and to allow for augments to fit under the TV, we mounted at 1000mm to the bottom. We hate installing TV brackets too high as it gives you neck cramps when sitting down...
How to hide the cables for a smart TV
Nadine was very lucky this internal wall in her apartment backed onto a bedroom wardrobe. We had to carefully drill through the brick wall with the power feed and antenna cable, thread the cables through, then run them up the back, inside the wardrobe, up to the roof space and connect, again lucky her apartment was located on the top floor, with an access panel.
Install a power point and antenna for the smart TV
We hit a bit of a wall when trying to source a power point feed for the TV. We would have presumed there would be a cable we could connect to in the roof space, but there was not!
We went to an outer wall power point, being double brick, we were able to fish up the cavity using a yellow tongue, tied on the cable and pulled down - success. The TV had a power point and was ready to go.
Hanging up the TV, the final touch was to laser the cabinet and TV to ensure they were aligned and centred.
Switchboard update
Because Nadine did not have a safety switch on the power circuit at her switchboard, we upgraded the circuit breaker to comply with the current wiring rules.
Job Complete - Smart TV Wall Mount, Power Point and Antenna Installed. Switchboard Updated
Nadine was very happy with the result. It gives his entertainment area a cleaner and less cluttered atmosphere.
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