LED Downlight Install & Rewire - Dulwich Hill
LED Downlight upgrade
Sandy was putting this job on the long finger for some time. Due to Covid-19 circumstances like most of our clients, he was working from home so he wanted to get these bits done around his home and brighten the place up by upgrading his halogen downlights to LED.
First up was Jamies room, the only natural light entering the room was via a skylight installed recently. This was okay in the way but at night it relied on the centre light of the ceiling fan which wasn't fantastic at all.
We measured up and, drilled into the ceiling and installed three new LED's in his room on a dimmer switch giving ample light, with the ability to dim down if needed.
There were 25 lights in total, it really brought the home to life exchanging the old halogens out.
General electrical upgrades
There was also a few other items on the list such as Smoke Alarms which had expired in 2017, unprotected circuits sitting at the switchboard which we replaced out the circuit breaker and installed RCD's on and finally the roof space had two old feeds at the switchboard wired in cotton cable, we removed this and installed new cabling back to the switchboard to get rid of this nasty, unsafe stuff.
Job Complete - LED Downlight installed & rewired, Circuit breaker replaced and new cabling installed.
Sandy was really happy with the electrical upgrades and most importantly the room is now well lit, energy-efficient and ecologically friendly.
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