Switchboard Upgrade - St. Peters
Electrical tripping issues
Tim was having some difficulty when trying to use numerous appliances in the kitchen and living areas. The safety switch kept tripping!
It was going to be one of a few items from experience, he had one master safety switch which was controlling all the load. Instead of ripping the place apart, we used our experience to upgrade and place all of his power circuits on individual safety switches while doing his switchboard upgrade. We also added a surge protector and new earth electrode as it was relying on the water bond.
Once power up and tested the issue was gone, we had the flexibility to up the breaker from 16 to 20 amps, which gave Tim a little more play and plug items in.
Stage two will be adding LED downlights and adding three wall mount TV's.
Job Complete - Switchboard Upgraded
Tim was very happy now that his switchboard is up to date, fully functional and safe.

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