Switchboard Upgrade - Croydon Park
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On Saturday we had an emergency call out to an elderly lady's apartment in Croydon Park to attend a power point failure.
It turned out Jan's fridge was causing the (only) RCD to do its job and trip! We didn't want to leave Jan's fridge/freezer full of food go to waste so using an electrical hack (cards close to our chest!!)... We got it going again and yes on the safety switch.
After seeing how dated the switchboard was we ran Jan through the importance of safety switches and the issues we attend with these porcelain switchboards, not to mind there was an exposed fuse carrier which, had she put her finger in, it could have been fatal!
This was seriously dated!! Check out the "twist" main switches! The backing board is quite cool and will make for a great picture frame :)
We got a piece of non conductive bakerlite panel and cut it down to replicate the old one. This worked out very well.
New Panel and switchboard mounted, tested and ready to power up.
Fired up ready to go. Ample power going to the unit with a three phase supply. The reason for this was back in the day there was a three phase hot water system. The unit now has a simple single phase hot water tank system.

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