Custom Light Install - Haberfield
What can you do with a dull hallway in an apartment?
This week we custom made these feature lights in Jenna & Chris hallway in Haberfield.
The results were awesome and we left with extremely happy client's.
Before, The hall was so dull! All it has was a classic old style halogen style oyster fitting... you know the ones that give off as much light as a candle?
We set up a laser to ensure we have the lights in a straight line. Then we spaced it out best for the saddles to hold the conduit up, drilled out the mountings and installed the saddles.
Next up we got the conduit fittings and boxes for the lights and smoke alarm. We laid it out on cardboard and sprayed it all up after measuring the lengths up etc.
Conduit up and in position ready for the wiring.
Wired and ready for light install and termination.
Finished product. The result was awesome, the lights threw a nice effect on the walls and now the whole hallway was nicely lit up.

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