Switchboard Upgrade - Sydney
What have we been up to in the last week? Keep scrolling to find out!
This week we upgraded a complete Sydney apartment switchboard, which was an absolute mess before hand. Checkout the Newtown project below
Above, you can see the dangerous mess that was lurking outside the front door, one of the tenants family have been in the complex since day dot, the recon 70 years! In this time numerous electricians have added to the mess. That's the problem with electrical, especially switchboard, once someone does a messy job it tends to follow suit with the next electrician! Frustrating.
Have a go at old mate! Where's a good place for a huntsman to hide... inside a redundant service fuse of course ?!
This is what we started with. It was a tedious job taking it apart making sure we labeled everything correctly, as the cotton wiring is all the same colour code, one slip and were facing hours tracing out cables through the apartments!
What a mess! Cables everywhere, some redundant, some dodgy connections, we'll get there. We love a good switchboard upgrade!
Everything Gutted out, tidied up and labeled, ready for the new meter panel to be installed and all the new switchboard/switchgear to be assembled and mounted on the wall.
Look at Iman go! we pre assembled the switchboards, meters and cable links prior to fitting it on the wall. This made the upgrade a lot more efficient.
Complete! What a big day - We shut down at 7am and had the power and had the power up and running at 8pm.
See more switchboard upgrades and relocations we have completed on our project page or by clicking HERE

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